Monday, January 31, 2011

Street Art

1. Things I noticed were that not all artists had the ability to draw but that didn't stop them.They all had a passion for the art they were doing. All the art they were doing was "wrong" and illegally done. They all conveyed some sort of message in a creative way.
2. Things that amazed me about the artist's work was that no matter how big it was they got it up fast and neatly. Another thing that amazed me was how smart they are because they can find their way up a building that seems impossible to climb. I was amazed by how creative the artist's got. They though of the most creative and unthinkable ways to portray a message.
3. I honestly am not sure what the message they are trying to convey is. For the artists in the documentary I think it was more like it was just their passion and what they liked to do. Like they said in the documentary street art wasn't and never was about the money. It's just something the enjoyed doing and still enjoy doing today.

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